Simple Holiday Stress Relief

  Ah, Holidays in Northern America! Such a wonderful combination of loving and giving, tradition, and... stress. I love the celebrations and the decorations. And yet, I can’t tell you how many times...

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Super Simple Holiday Side Dish: Cauliflower Mash

This is the simplest cauliflower mash I’ve come up with. There are only two ingredients! It’s perfect for the holidays, or any any cold day when you’re craving comfort food. By the way, over the holidays while you’re traveling, don’t...

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Your Emergency Happiness List

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For Times of Sadness: Your Emergency Happiness List

There are small things you can do that will help lift your spirits so you can keep moving forward – even when you’re sad. This is a list of ten different actions I use to bring myself out of a funk – and why I use them. Most require minimal energy. See if some of it works for you too.

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Flow is a mental state where you are fully energized, focused on, and enjoying an activity.

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Can Exercise Be Enjoyable? Introducing the Concept of Flow

When you’re experiencing flow, you’re enjoying what you’re doing so much that you lose track of time. You even lose track of yourself. You become one with the activity. But, can you experience flow with regular exercise?

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Asian Style Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Asian Style Chicken Lettuce Wraps

These chicken lettuce wraps are so easy and fast! They're low in calories yet high in taste and nutrition. They're a fun option for dinner when you don't want to cook much. They're also an excellent option for lunch as leftovers if you made chicken the night before....

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To Eat Healthy, Planning Is Key | LuciFit Coaching

To Eat Healthy, Planning Is Key | LuciFit Coaching

Above is my counter top after the farmers' market. When I get home, I wash and prepare the food immediately. (And, yes, I eat some of it while working!) I encourage clients to plan and shop for three to four dinners at the beginning of the week. It can feel a little...

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Fresh Figs and Goat Cheese: A Decadent, Healthy Dessert

Fresh Figs and Goat Cheese: A Decadent, Healthy Dessert

Fresh figs and goat's cheese taste like decadence. They're a perfect ending to any dinner in the summer, when fresh figs are in season. Along with a very reasonable calorie count this dessert has some natural, healthy benefits: 1) it’s sweet with no added sugar, 2)...

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Your Hidden Fitness

Not seeing the numbers on the scale go down as fast as you think they should? You're not alone. So many people go through the same ordeal in the beginning of a weight loss endeavor. They work hard to maintain a clean diet...

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