Your Hidden Fitness

Not seeing the numbers on the scale go down as fast as you think they should? You're not alone. So many people go through the same ordeal in the beginning of a weight loss endeavor. They work hard to maintain a clean diet...

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Do Calories Count?

(Watch the video or read below.) Some say counting calories doesn’t matter, but it can make the difference between success or failure in weight loss and weight maintenance. If you’re eating clean foods and exercising and...

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How to Make Health and Fitness Goals That Work

Did you make some health and fitness goals for yourself last month? And have you stuck with them? You know a lot of people have trouble sticking to resolutions and staying on track with their goals, So if you do too, you're...

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Healthy Fast Food – Kale

  If you want kale that tastes good you've got to know how to buy it. The more fresh your vegetables are the better they're going to taste, and the same goes for Kale! Curly kale needs to have soft leaves. The stem needs to be turgid...

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Pilates Roll-Up for Abdominals

  Abdominal exercises need to be done mindfully in order to get their benefits. I wrote about that in my last post. The Pilates Roll Up works the entire rectus abdominis very intensely, and it stretches your spine. It's...

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