Eating Holiday Treats Without Crashing and Burning

Eating Holiday Treats Without Crashing and Burning

The holiday season comes with so many sensual pleasures, like the sights of colorful holiday lights, the sounds of happy holiday music, the touch of soft fleece and faux fur in the colder weather, and the smells of holiday food. Oh, the smells—the ones that make you...

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Fast, Healthy, Delicious Thanksgiving Dishes

Fast, Healthy, Delicious Thanksgiving Dishes

For most of my career I worked the day before Thanksgiving  into the evening. For many years I worked right through Thanksgiving day. If your life is like that right now, you'll finish work tonight and run to the grocery store. Or you'll head there tomorrow afternoon....

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Gratitude Meditation and the Healthy Leader

  Our leadership abilities depend on how well we take care of ourselves. Mindset is one of the most important areas for leaders to focus on. It's right up there with eating, sleeping, and moving. Research finds that a regular...

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Simple Holiday Stress Relief

  Ah, Holidays in Northern America! Such a wonderful combination of loving and giving, tradition, and... stress. I love the celebrations and the decorations. And yet, I can’t tell you how many times...

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Super Simple Holiday Side Dish: Cauliflower Mash

This is the simplest cauliflower mash I’ve come up with. There are only two ingredients! It’s perfect for the holidays, or any any cold day when you’re craving comfort food. By the way, over the holidays while you’re traveling, don’t...

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Your Emergency Happiness List

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For Times of Sadness: Your Emergency Happiness List

There are small things you can do that will help lift your spirits so you can keep moving forward – even when you’re sad. This is a list of ten different actions I use to bring myself out of a funk – and why I use them. Most require minimal energy. See if some of it works for you too.

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Why New Years’ Resolutions For Diet and Exercise Fail

Why New Years’ Resolutions For Diet and Exercise Fail

The word going around these days is that New Year's resolutions are bogus. Because most of them are forgotten by February.  And, why make a promise that you know you won't keep? But I completely disagree. January is a perfect and natural time to take inventory on...

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Make Your own Cranberry Sauce with Less Sugar

Make Your own Cranberry Sauce with Less Sugar

Cranberry sauce is one of my favorite things on the holiday table. I really like the sweet and sour flavor with poultry.  And the red makes the whole dish look festive! Total confession - the cranberry sauce in the can used to be my absolute favorite. It's like eating...

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Super Simple Comfort Food: Chicken Soup

Super Simple Comfort Food: Chicken Soup

  Once you've tried this recipe, you won’t believe how easy chicken soup is to make. Both of my Slovak grandmothers made a variation of this soup recipe. When I was old about 14, they taught me how to make it myself. It was so easy and inexpensive, it became one of my...

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Simple, Healthy, Delicious – Sweet Potatoes

Simple, Healthy, Delicious – Sweet Potatoes

I remember the sweet potatoes of my youth. Usually made around the holidays, they were baked and smothered with brown sugar and butter. So sweet! In fact, they may as well have been dessert! Now, that was a vegetable I was willing to eat more than my share of! Times...

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Fast and Delicious Holiday Turkey Recipe

Fast and Delicious Holiday Turkey Recipe

    Not to brag, but I make an amazing turkey. It's always moist and delicious. I usually use a Martha Stewart recipe where the turkey is covered in cheesecloth and got lots of basting towards the end. It's always a hit with my guests. This year I was...

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Stress Relief Over the Holidays

Welcome to our Healthy Holiday Trilogy: Episode 3 – Tamping Down the Stress The above video is taken from a live webinar. (Edit as of 12.2016: Hi guys, I can't believe I didn't catch this but I made a mistake in the first...

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Sweet Temptations and Holiday Sugar Overload

  Welcome to our Healthy Holiday Trilogy: Episode 1  - Sweet Temptations This video is taken from a live webinar. In this episode we’ll give you tips on how to have fun maintain your weight with ease and avoid sugar overload If you're...

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How to Meditate for Relaxation and Rejuvenation

How to Meditate for Relaxation and Rejuvenation

Long periods of stress without a break can bring you down mentally, emotionally and physically. Last week I posted a video of Diana and I discussing how difficult it can be to  turn down the output (and input) for a few weeks and create space to rejuvenate. But in the...

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A Healthier Hot Chocolate

A Healthier Hot Chocolate

  This is a healthier hot chocolate made with less sugar and low-fat milk. On a cold and snowy night in DC, my friend, Doreen, made this lovely drink for me while I was staying at her home. It's a hot treat that feels like a splurge, but you can drink it...

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