Gone are the days when exercise must equal grueling, teeth-gritting, vomit-producing pain. Fitness is like everything else in life: We don’t go from zero to 100 all at once. We take it little by little, and each step can be comfortable and satisfying.

If you’re doing nothing now then doing something small is going to raise your level of fitness. If you’re doing a little bit now then doing a little bit more is going to raise your level of fitness.  If you’re doing a significant amount of exercise then doing a little more than that is going to raise your level of fitness even more. And this is how it goes.

As fitness improves, some begin to enjoy higher intensity workouts and more challenge. One might decide to take a militaristic style class to put our bodies to the test. Or, we may decide to test our bodies by competition – a marathon, a triathlon, a martial arts challenge.  But, let me assure you, this is not necessary in order to be fit.  And this is absolutely not where a beginner starts. If you’re just starting out, or just getting back into fitness, go back and read the above paragraph. This is where you focus.  And you can stay focused there if that is what works for you.


Photo credit: Luci Gabel & Charles Martin Photo, DC

I help people to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into everyday life, step-by-step, in a way that’s realistic and sustainable.  Interested?  Click here to see more about it.


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