Flow is a mental state where you are fully energized, focused on, and enjoying an activity.

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Can Exercise Be Enjoyable? Introducing the Concept of Flow

When you’re experiencing flow, you’re enjoying what you’re doing so much that you lose track of time. You even lose track of yourself. You become one with the activity. But, can you experience flow with regular exercise?

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Your Hidden Fitness

Not seeing the numbers on the scale go down as fast as you think they should? You're not alone. So many people go through the same ordeal in the beginning of a weight loss endeavor. They work hard to maintain a clean diet...

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How to Make Health and Fitness Goals That Work

Did you make some health and fitness goals for yourself last month? And have you stuck with them? You know a lot of people have trouble sticking to resolutions and staying on track with their goals, So if you do too, you're...

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The Five Best Times to Stretch

The Five Best Times to Stretch

  Do you sit for long periods of time? Do you exercise? Do you exercise and sit for long periods of time? If you answered yes to any of the above questions you're a candidate for tight muscles and joints - if you don't have them already. Truthfully, it's pretty...

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How to Keep Up Your Exercise While On Vacation

How to Keep Up Your Exercise While On Vacation

  It's summer, everyone's favorite time to vacation. The summer is when I most frequently talk with clients about how to keep their weight loss and fitness gains while traveling. No matter what my clients' situations, they are all concerned about these two...

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Mind-Body Abdominal Exercises

Abdominals are an important muscle group of your body.Of course, if you have strong abdominals your belly is going to look great. You could even sport a set of those washboard abs everyone wants on the beach. But we often...

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